Electronic – Combining netduino with Ethernet Shield


While buying hardware, the Netduino Plus was not available so I bought Netduino and Ethernet shield. These days I have been trying to create and example of web server using Netduino and Ethernet shield and so far haven't got it working. I've tried to read and write to SD card mounted on shield but none of the examples I have found on the internet have worked.

Has anyone combined Netduino and Ethernet shield and successfully created any project which included SD card reading/writing and/or network communication?

If anyone knows what are the required libraries, how to set up a development environment (configuration in VS) and is perhaps willing to share a piece of code that works I would be really thankful!

Best Answer

I got my my Netduino plus recently but have not had a chance to work with it yet. I did also buy a book about it: "Getting started with the internet of things" by Cuno Pfister, an O'Reilly publication.

I can tell you what the book says are the requirements:

1) Microsoft Visual studio 2010 or newer. The free Visual studio express is sufficient. However you need to install the C# edition.

2) Microsoft.NET Micro Framework 4.1 SDK or newer

3) Your developement boards SDK and drivers.

All of these are free. It would be interesting to hear of your progress. Good luck!