Electronic – “Conflict power between pins” with a voltage regulator


I've built a simple adjustable voltage regulator, but running the ERC shows two errors:

The first one claims that PIN1 is not being driven (it's connected to GND through a resistor; the label is connected to a power pin, connecting the label directly without a resistor fixes the error). I can "fix" the warning with a PWR_FLAG.

The other problem is that the LM1117 family parts have a hidden 4 pin hidden below the 2 pin, both marked as "Power output", and this makes the ERC show an error of "ErrType(5): Conflict problem between pins. Severity: error. Pin 4 of U2 is connected to pin 2 of U2".

Simple vreg

Is it possible to fix this error?

Best Answer

The first one is a problem with the component. Adjustable regulators should not have the reference pin marked as power_in.

The second one is a known limitation, you can mark the hidden pin as power_in in the component as a workaround.