Electronic – Constellation diagram of FSK


I am learning digital modulation basics and I have question about frequency shift keying — how the constellation diagram of M-ary FSK looks like? I can somehow figure how binary FSK diagram looks (it is similar to PSK), but I cannot imagine M-ary FSK diagram.

EDIT: And ome more question. Do you know any nice applet/online-tool where I can play with different modulations and their parameters?

Best Answer

FSK is difficult to visualize as you increase in order. The reason for this is when you are using FSK, you have orthogonal frequencies that essentially add an extra dimension to your plane. You can visualize up to 3d (3 frequencies) as shown below (pardon the hand paint drawing), but once you get greater then that FSK just can't be represented this way. However, just because we aren't able to plot it on a graph, the matrix math still applies equally the same, just with added dimensions.


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