Electronic – Eagle multiple pads to one pin


I have a part in Eagle that has two pads for VDD (pad 1 and 2) and two pads for VBAT (pads 9 and 10). The pads must be tied together on the PCB so I have designated a single pin for each pair of pads.

With the pins set to show both the pad and pin names, I expect to see VDD as a pin name and 1*2 for its pad name as well as VBAT as a pin name and 9*10 for its pad name. This works fine for VDD but not for VBAT. For some reason, VBAT is showing 9*2 as if it were connected to pad 9 and 2; however, that is not the case.

I am relatively new to Eagle so I'm sure its a simple mistake but I can't seem to figure it out. I have attached screenshot snippets of the relevant information.

enter image description here

enter image description here

Best Answer

There isn't actually an connection problem here, just a misunderstanding of what the names mean.

When multiple pads are connected together, their names are not all shown, but rather are labelled as:

<First Pin>*<Number of Pins>

Where the first pin is any of the pins in the group, usually the one with either the lowest number, or first when sorted alphabetically.

The number of pins indicates how many pins in total are connected together.

Essentially you can read it as "Pin x and the group of n pins".