Electronic – Extract 12V from USB port

serialusbusb devicevoltage

I wish to drive a 12V stepper motor with a USB port as the source of power. However, the USB port only outputs only 5V as output. This will obviously not work.

I had thought up of several ways to overcome this. 1. chain multiple USB ports in serial to bump up voltage. 2. Use some sort of circuit ("booster") to increase the 5V to 12V

I have tried searching this issue up online, however I have seen very differing answers. Some people say that using 2 USB ports in serial will create a short circuit while other people say that this will work and is the basis of Y cables. Could someone clarify and suggest the best option to increase a 5V supply to 12V?

Best Answer

You'd be much better off powering the motor with a 12V power supply and designing some type of interface circuit to control it via the USB port. But it doesn't sound like you have the level of knowledge designed to build something like that.