Electronic – First DDR2 Layout – How much of a data lane must have the same reference


Doing my first DDR2 layout and I'm hitting some conflicting requirements.

I have dogbones to an internal ground-referenced layer, and then short top layer traces at the other end going from the other via to the DDR2 pins.

I my second data lane (DQ15-8,DQS1, DM1) is looking really good except for two of the data lines I can't seem to figure out how to keep the top trace on the DDR2 side <2mm. I have to make it longer to allow the other traces to pass through with the proper spacing.

So my question is: How much of this data lane do I need to keep on the same layer? The bottom layer is reference a different ground plane (same ground but different plane), so could I put those traces there because they are all referencing a ground plane?

Picture attached. Length matching hasn't been done yet.

DDR2 Data Lane 1.

Best Answer

Provided each signal has single layer routing, you do not normally need to route the entire lane on the same layer.

There may be some small timing mismatch but usually not something to be too concerned about.