Electronic – Flyback diode with 5V relay


I am having trouble choosing a flyback diode for my 5v relay. The switching current of the relay for 83Ohm is ~60mA.
Goind through the parameter list of the RS catalog I selected:

  • Maximum Continous forward current > 100mA
  • Peak reverse voltage >30V
  • Power dissipation >500mW
  • SMD

One of the first entries were 1N4148WSF and BAT54WS. The BTA54WS is a Schottky diode, but still in the parameter range.

Does it matter which diode I use as long they are in my parameter range? Do I need more parameters to choose the correct diode?

EDIT: follow up question

Best Answer

The BTA54WS is a Schottky diode, but still in the parameter range.

Schottky diodes are the fastest and good as well. It will be helpful in rapidly switching load but rather costlier than the cheap 1N400x series.

Chosen breakdown voltage of the diode shall be 8 to 10 times the supply. The peak current handling capability of 1N400x series are perfectly fine.