Electronic – Getting an 8-bit LCD display interface to work


I have a LCD which this controller is used with: LCD Single Chip Driver.

I am trying to get it to work with an 8-bit interface, but in my kit I can't find the three pins that are mentioned in the datasheet IM [0-2].

Here are some descriptions: 2.8" TFT LCD.

and here is the socket description of the LCD kit that I have:
Socket description

Now the current interface of the kit that's working is 16-bit.

That's the schematic of the kit: Kit Schematic

2nd Question:

If this is not possible, it's already connected to FSMC 16-bit, is it possible to just send 8-bit data to the data pins by shifting the data? Because I'm trying to get a large double buffer 140*200*2 bytes and that would eat the memory, so if I have an 8-bit interface would it take less memory buffer, so is it OK to just send 8-bit data to LCD even if the interface is 16-bits?

Best Answer

The number of bits in the interface has no bearing on how much memory is required to store the image. For example with the 8 bit interface a 65,536 color pixel is transferred in two bytes, whereas the 16 bit interface only requires a single transfer - but in both cases the data is 16 bits per pixel.

You could store your image as 8 bits per pixel and translate it into 16 bits 'on the fly'. However encoding RGB in 8 bits only allows for 2~3 bits per channel (eg. 3 bits each of Red and Green, 2 bits of Blue), so color images will not be photographic quality. To improve image quality you could index the 8 bit pixel values into a 256 color palette, which only requires an extra 512 bytes of memory for 16 bit color.