Electronic – HBQ-i7 Bluetooth Chip Identification


I was recently in Hong Kong and decided to purchase a knockoff Airpod to tear it down and see how it was engineered to help me in my own design process. I got to the mainboard and found the single chip which runs the operation marked "AC1815E8K193-9A0" (It may also be "AG…") and uses a logo which looks like the Pi symbol. A search turns up nothing and I'm struggling to find anything online about this model. Any ideas of where to search or any leads would be much appreciated! I'd also be glad to provide more pictures if desired enter image description here

Best Answer

Here's one I found when searching JL chip logo: -

enter image description here

Note that this is an AC.... part so try and find who JL is....

But the chip number doesn't match the AC6905A number so maybe they use some form of coding.

Following the part number protocol used in the picture your device might be an AC1815E from JL (who appear to be based in China). Maybe it's related to JL audio who make weatherproof bluetooth modules: -

enter image description here

See also this SE question and this one where others have tried to find parts made by these guys but not very successfully. Good luck.

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