Electronic – Heat sinking ideas for an HZIP package


I'm building a design involving Toshiba's TB6600 chip which has an unusal HZIP25-P-1.00F package. I've seen implementations where folks have bent the pins manually and soldered them horizontally such that a heatsink can be bolted directly onto them.

However, I did not want to do this. Instead, I thought of attaching an aluminum right angle bracket to a normally mounted chip (vertical). One side of the right angle bracket would be touching the chip's heatsink area while the other side will be touching an exposed pad on the PCB. This same exposed pad is present on the bottom copper side as well and is connected with the top copper using thermal vias. A large finned heat sink is then fitted onto the back side of the PCB and connected to this bottom copper side.

I haven't gotten around to doing calculations on this yet but any thoughts on if this is a good idea?

Best Answer

The part you're working with may need to dissipate up to 40W of heat. The package it's in is intended to be mounted vertically and bolted directly to a heat sink, like so:

enter image description here

Passing the heat through the circuit board the way you're describing will not work effectively -- the aluminum bracket and vias will present far too much thermal resistance to keep the chip at an appropriate temperature.