Electronic – How do constant current power supplies work

power supply

How do constant current power supplies work? For example I have a power supply that is constant voltage that can supply up to 5A and I have a 12V motor that takes ~500mA so I crank up the supply to 12v and my motor pulls ~500mA from the supply. But how does this work for a constant current power supply? Would it determine its own voltage output depending on the resistance of the load(ohms law)?

Best Answer

The simplest constant current supply is a large value resistor in series with a much smaller load resistance. Suppose we have a 12V supply to a 1k resistor in series with a 10R resistor: the current flowing through the load will be 12/1010 amps or 11.88 mA. If the load is 20R, the current will be 11.76 mA. It's almost the same although the load resistance has been doubled. The voltage across the load has been doubled, in the second case, keeping the current at about the same value.