Electronic – How does a CPU work


I am curious, generally speaking, as to what are the physical processes behind the workings of a CPU. I understand that the reason why computers use binary is because it means that data can be stored magnetically by direction, or electrically by charged/discharged.

For example, if I have two bytes 01110000 and 00001111, what electrically happens when, say, the second is subtracted from the first?

(I understand that a fully-detailed answer to this would be company secret, but I am asking out of curiosity and not for anything specific to a given manufacturer.)

Best Answer

A detailed answer is not so much a company secret, but rather the subject of several semesters at a University. Don't expect to get a complete answer here.

One of the best books on the topic is this one: http://www.amazon.com/Computer-Architecture-Fifth-Quantitative-Approach/dp/012383872X/ref=ntt_at_ep_dpt_1

There are also numerous books on digital logic design that would be good to read as well.

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