Electronic – How may noise voltage and noise figure be compared


For instance, comparing the
and the
it's expected that since the latter is intended for application as an RF LNA and the former is general-purpose, the BGA2818 would out-perform the MIC920 in RF applications. But how could this be proven?

The MIC920 specifies only an input noise voltage; let's assume they intended to write nV instead of V:

noise voltage spec

And the BGA2818 specifies only an input noise figure:

noise figure spec

The "naive" comparison would be (following the Maxim App Note 2895):

BW for my application = 5 kHz

Gain of MIC920 ~ 85dB

Output power noise density:
$$V_{IN} = \left( 11 \frac {\text {nV}} {\sqrt{\text {Hz}}} \right)
\sqrt{5 \text{kHz}} = 778 \text {nV}
P_{IN} = 10 \log \left( \frac {778 \text {nV}} {50 \Omega \cdot 10^{-3}} \right) =
-48.1 \text{dBm}

$$P_{OUT} = -48.1 \text{dBm} + 85 \text{dB} = 36.9\text{dBm}$$

$$P_{NOUTD} = \frac {36.9\text{dBm}} {5\text{kHz}} =
7.38 \times 10^{-3} \frac {\text{dBm}} {\text{Hz}}$$

$$NF = 7.38 \times 10^{-3} \frac {\text{dBm}} {\text{Hz}} +
174 \frac {\text{dBm}} {\text{Hz}} – 85 \text{dB} = 89 \text{dB}$$

Is this calculation valid?

Best Answer

At 50 Ω, noise is \$\frac{E^2}{50} + I^2 \cdot 50 = -146\$ dBm/Hz; \$174-146= 27\$ dB noise figure at 50 Ω.

You don't need to consider the 5kHz, it cancels out. At low impedances, you can ignore In, at high impedances you can ignore \$V_n\$. (relative to equivalent noise resistance)

For an amplifier with \$V_n\$ and \$I_n\$ given, you can consider the equivalent noise resistance \$R_n = \frac{V_n}{I_n}\$.

This will be the impedance where noise figure will be lowest. In this case 15kohm.

As you see, it is very noisy at 50 Ω.

Noise power is \$V_nI_n=-171\$ dBm/Hz . Thermal noise is -174 dBm/Hz, so the noise figure would be 3dB at 15 kΩ.

The numbers are only valid at low frequencies, at high frequencies they are different, so you can't really compare.