Electronic – How much power does a receiver antenna obtain from a radio station


I have this problem where a transmitting antenna radiated uniformly in all directions at a radius of r. The station broadcasts at 10 kilowatts. How much power is obtained by a reciever antenna 20km away? The antenna of the reciever is 50cm^2. I am unsure of how to set up an equation for this problem, I know the distance and power, but how would I set this in a equation to find the power obtained by a receiver?

Best Answer

If the antenna radiates in all directions (isotropic radiator), you can consider it as the center of a sphere, where the radius is the distance to the RX. If there isn't attenuation on the path, the power remains the same, then divide by the sphere area and you got power/area relation.

Knowing antenna's area, you can calculate the power received.