Electronic – How much power does LM7805 dissipate


I'm using an LM7805 in voltage regulator mode.

  • Vin is 15V
  • Vout is 5V (regulated)
  • The attached load draws 200mA


How to calculate how much power the LM7805 would dissipate in this setup (and whether or not I need a heat sink)? Couldn't understand it from looking at the datasheet.

P.S. I'm asking because it gets quite hot, which I didn't expect. Checked the attached load, it is around 0.2A, so well within the limit of 1.5A.

Best Answer

Take a look at package thermal data section in your datasheet page two.

Depending on the package of the regulator you are using, lets say the thermal junction-ambient coefficient \$\theta_{JA}\$ is roughly \$20°C/W\$.

You've got \$ P = V \cdot I = (15\ \text{V} - 5\ \text{V}) \cdot 0.2\ \text{A} = 2\ \text{W} \$ dissipated as heat.

If your ambient temperature is \$25°C\$, then the regulator would heat up more or less into \$65°C\$.

It is quite hot for sure.