Electronic – How the pin2 of 555 timer triggers this simple circuit


First of all, I will go through my concept which make the doubt.

When we connect positive side of LED to a positive terminal of a battery and negative of LED to floor (not to -ve of battery), current will not flow, as -ve of battery is not at a potential equal to that of floor (0V). But if I hold by standing on floor of phase line of commercial electric circuit, I get shock because neutral line is at same potential as ground. (Correct me if I'm wrong.)
Now look to this circuit:

(source: circuitsgallery.com)

Figure above shows a touch sensor using 555 timer. It work only if a low pulse applied to pin 2. But how when we touch the plate it get low pulse? Although we consider -ve terminal to be 0v, in practice, I think it is not. As like my first example, I expect the current never flow and pin 2 stays at high voltage. But it is not so.

Then what is my mistake?
Pls help me I am a beginner.
Sorry for my English.


Some answers tell me "how the 555 works" or "how sensitivity of circuit increase". But my question is different from that. May be this is due to unclear data from my question. My question is how the pin 2 trigger (or the voltage at pin 2 become less than \$\frac{1}{3}V_{cc}\$ ) when I touch the plate?

Best Answer

Three things to note:

  1. Your body can be modeled as a resistor.
  2. The touchpad is likely made up of 2 pads; one connected to pin 2 of the 555 IC and the other connected to ground.
  3. The 555 is triggered by taking pin 2 lower than 1/3 of the supply voltage.

Pin 2 is being pulled up by R3 which is 1M ohms. This means that it is extremely weak. When your finger makes contact with both pads of the touchpad, the circuit sees essentially a resistor between pin 2 and ground.

Using the voltage divider equation: $$ 1/3 = R_{finger}/(R_{finger}+R_3) $$ $$ \therefore R_{finger} = 500K $$

The resistance provided by your finger needs to be less than 500K ohms, which is quite achievable if the 2 pads are close together.