Electronic – How to a system reach its steady-state if the I-action of a PID controller, u(t), doesn’t go to zero as the system approaches its desired value

controlcontrol systempid controller

The I-action of a PID controller, which integrates the error over time, results in the control signal:

$$u(t) = \int_0^{t}e(T)\text{d}T$$

This means that, when the system reaches its desired value and the error reaches zero, the control signal is a constant. So it is still there and larger than 0, while the P-action and D-action both are zero and have no effect anymore. So what is happening here exactly? Why can the system reach its final value if there is always a control signal active? Or is this the reason why overshoot happens? Is it that the error gets smaller once \$e(T)=r(T)-y(T)<0\$ and the integral gets smaller?

Best Answer

Imagine a real system such as an oven. You want to maintain 350°F so that your cookies will be properly baked.

The input to your controller is the temperature sensor.

The output to the oven is the percentage the heaters should remain on vs. off.

In order to maintain a constant temperature, the output must be non-zero, and ideally (without you opening the door or line voltage changes etc.) will be constant.

Overshoot happens because of the closed-loop system dynamics (underdamped), and it can also happen because of integral windup, which is a nonlinear effect.