Electronic – How to convert block diagram in to circuit schematics


I want to design an electrical circuit for my project.

l am not good at making circuit schematic, but I am good at assembling block diagrams.

How can I convert a block diagram into a circuit design by using software? If it is not possible what are the basic knowledge I must have to draw schematic? enter image description here for example this is the block diagram that I want to convert so what I have to do?

Best Answer

Block diagram is a higher level abstraction of a design, it usually doesn't have all connections and internal structure of blocks. It is just for general illustration of design hierarchy or data flow. You can't convert block diagram into schematics, you need to DESIGN the schematics in ACCORD with block diagram and functional definitions of its blocks. The other way is possible, from schematics to block diagram, but not the opposite way.

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