Electronic – How to explain the unexpected negative voltage in the output signal obtained from half wave rectifier


I observed the output signal of half-wave rectifier sending sine wave and square wave for an experiment. The rectifier was built with a 1N 4001 diode and a 100 ohm resistor. The output signal across the resistor was observed.

In both of the output signals displayed by the oscilloscope, negative voltage was observed. While the negative voltage in output sine signal was minor, the negative voltage observed in output square signal was much more obvious, in fact it goes beyond the maximum positive voltage.

In the output signal there is also a minor increase in the negative voltage when frequency increases, which I can't explain either.

Best Answer

The 1N400x type diode has a reverse recovery time (manufacturer dependent) of up to 30 μs and, when your input voltage falls negative, the diode will continue to conduct for up to 30 μs: -

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