Electronic – How to get two buttons to work with the 16f628a – C, Hi-tech comp, mplabx


I'm just began exploring my new hobby – mcu electronics. I have bought an 16f628a after reading some forumposts suggestion that is a good mcu for beginners.
I have download mplabX, the hi-tech compiler and the isis program for simulating my circuit and code. I have some knowledge from c# and java development, so I like working with their "mother language" C. I have allready created the "hello world" and "blinking led" project.

Now I want to add two buttons to my blinking led prosject (one for each led. One pin for each led and one pin for each button, everthing happening programmatically), I have been searching the Internet and found some examples and tutorials but not any that I got to work.

If any got some links to tutorials / examples, code snippets with schematics or anything else that will help me create this I would appreciate it. I can post my blinking led code and schematics if that would help. thanks

Best Answer

I am an experienced C# developer that wanted to get quickly up to speed on the PICs and found these tutorials to be very helpful:


The are kept up-to-date with recent MPLAB versions. A lot of them are free. I liked them enough that I paid for the full set. They are geared to his learning kit, but I used them with just a breadboard and a PicKit3.