Electronic – How to obtain 3db frequency from transfer function

fourierfrequencytransfer function

How can I calculate the 3db Frequency of the following transfer function

$$ H(w)=\frac{1}{1-j\frac{250}{w}} $$ I have thought of doing the inverse fourier of H(w) so I can find h(t) and from that the period T and then the frequency . But I think that frequency will not be the 3dB I am looking for . Can anyone help?

The j on the H(w) is the imaginary number $$ j^{2}=-1 $$

I have found this formula : $$ H(f_{3db})=H_{max}(dB) -3dB $$ But I still can't find any solution

Best Answer

What do you mean by the 3 dB frequency? The frequency at which your magnitude has the value 3 dB? Or are you confusing this with the corner frequency where the magnitude is 3 dB less?

enter image description here

This would be the frequency marked with the red line in the bode plot.

As -3 dB is corresponding to

$$20 \cdot log(\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}) = - 3.01$$

you can infer that

$$20 \cdot log(|H(j \omega)|) = - 3.01$$

$$20 \cdot log(\frac{1}{\sqrt{1+\left(\frac{250}{\omega}\right)^2}}) = - 3.01$$


$$\frac{250}{\omega} = 1$$


$$\omega = 250$$

Otherwise you could bring the transfer function in a (at least to me) more recognizeable form:

$$H(s) = \frac{s}{s+250}$$

with $$s = j \omega$$

rearranging to

$$H(s) = \frac{\frac{1}{250}s}{s\frac{1}{250}+1}$$

$$H(s) = \frac{\frac{1}{250}s}{s \cdot T+1}$$

where 1\T is the corner frequency (the one you are supposedly be looking for). This kind of notation can vary from textbook to textbook or your teacher. You may also keep writing $$j \omega$$ and the arrive at $$j \frac{\omega}{\omega_c}$$ where $${\omega_c}$$ again is the corner frequency and you can easily read that it's 250.