Electronic – How to produce clock signals with data on serial port


I am designing a Serial to Parallel converter with PIC16f84A micro-controller. Where I am going to use pin RA0 for data input, RA1 for clock input and RB0 to RB7 for parallel data output from MCU. Now I cant figure out that how to produce clock signals with data signals, since the serial port RS232 have only one pin for data transmission, and also Hyper Terminal program only use pin no. 3 for data transmission only.

Best Answer

RS232 does not involve a transmitted clock; the reciever must synchonize to the transmission using the start bit, and the baud rate has to be agreed in advance (or inferred from a sequence of characters transmitted, sometimes called "auto-baud")

(If that PIC has a UART, you could use it to make this project easier)