Electronic – How to send analog data using FM/FM Telemetry


I am measuring the strain a bicyclist is placing on a bicycle crank arm throughout riding, using strain gages. I would like to send this data (after amplification) off of the bicycle crank arm and to my data processing unit. How can I send the analog output voltage data I am interested in measuring using an FM/FM telemetry scheme. I have looked into VCOs to create my carrier frequency, but does FM/FM require a sine wave output instead of a square wave? Also, how do I then create subcarriers frequencies so I can send multiple streams of data in parallel? Lastly, how do you take these signals and send them off? What is used to create an antenna? Theres a lot out on the internet on the overall flow of how FM/FM works, but nothing in terms of specific electrical components to use.

Best Answer

You want to look at an already existing transmitter module like the RFM02 (e.g.: www.farnell.com/datasheets/1303077.pdf). Creating your own VCO based circuit will be much more time consuming and expensive than to use a widely known solution.