Electronic – How to solve this problem using supermesh analysis

circuit analysiscurrentmeshvoltage

Can we solve this problem using supermesh analysis? I thought you needed to have a common current source between each mesh? Is there an easier solution to this problem?

Best Answer

Try this:

enter image description here

One loop on the left side:

$$ -1V + I_L\:50\Omega + I_L\:1k\Omega = 0$$ (1)

And two loops on the right side \$I_1\$ and \$I_2\$.

And for \$I_2\$ loop we can write mesh equation like this:

$$ I_2\: 5k\Omega + I_2\:100\Omega (I_2 + I_1)50k\Omega = 0$$ (2)

For the \$I_1\$ loop we do not need to write a mesh equation because we have a current source in it hence, the \$I_1\$ mesh current must be equal to VCCS current.

$$I_1 = 40S \times V_P $$

Additional we know that:

$$V_P = I_L \times 1k\Omega $$

And finally, we have:

$$I_1 = 40S \times V_P = 40S \times \:I_L \times 1k\Omega $$

Now we can substitute this into equation 2 thus we end up with this two eqiations:

$$ -1V + I_L\:50\Omega + I_L\:1k\Omega = 0$$ $$I_2\: 5k\Omega + I_2\:100\Omega (I_2 + \left(40S\:I_L\:1k\Omega )\right)50k\Omega = 0$$

And the solution is:

$$I_L = 0.952mA$$ $$I_2 = - 34.569A$$

And from the Ohm's law we have

$$V_O = I_L \times 5k\Omega =- 34.569A \times 5k\Omega = -172.845kV $$