Electronic – How to use Gain Bandwidth Product to estimate bandwidth at different gains


I was doing a question related to the dependence of op amps on frequency.This question is from 2nd year electrical engineering micro electronics by sedra smith.

Here is the question:
enter image description here

So there is a non inverting amplifier and it has a gain of 96. it 3db frequency is 8kHz. I can find the unity gain frequency from here from the given quantities. But for what?. Then they mention that the system is required to have a unity gain frequency/bandwidth of 32kHz.
So this is pretty confusing for me. Can some one explain the question please.
Thanks guys!

Best Answer

As @SpehroPefhany mentioned, we assume that the op amp has a constant gain-bandwidth product, GBWP. That is, \$\text{GBWP}=G \cdot B\$ for any gain G and bandwidth B. From the given information, we can determine that the GBWP for this op amp must be \$96 \frac V V \cdot 8 \text{ kHz} = 768 \text{ kHz}\$. Now that we have the constant GBWP, we can solve for the gain in the second case since we know the new bandwidth, 32 kHz: \$ G = \frac {768 \text{ kHz}} {32 \text{ kHz}} = 24 \frac V V\$.