Electronic – Icarus verilog syntax error in a generate block


In the top level of a module, I have the following block:

   genvar i;
      for (i = 0; i < DEPTH; i++) begin
       fifo_element #(WIDTH) element (.clk(clk), 
                       .prev_used(i == 0 ? 1'b0 : e_used [i-1]), 
                       .next_used(i == DEPTH-1 ? 1'b1 : e_used [i+1]), 
    end // for (i = 0; i < DEPTH; i++)

When I attempt to compile this with icarus verilog (v10.1, using the -g2009 command line option) I get the following errors:

fifo.v:84: syntax error
fifo.v:96: error: invalid module item.
fifo.v:97: syntax error

These errors correspond to the line containing for, the last line of the element instantiation, and the line containing the end that corresponds to the begin of the for block. If I delete the apparently-unnecessary begin and end markers the third error goes away but the other two remain.

What's wrong with my code? Or is this a problem with Icarus Verilog? (A little research suggests that while earlier versions didn't support generate blocks at all, they've been supported for some time now, so what I'm trying to do here should work)

Best Answer

Maybe you need i = i +1 instead of i++. Other than that, I don't see anything obviously wrong.