Electronic – Implementing a very high frame rate (~1Khz) OLED display

displayhigh speedoled

I'm interested in developing a very high frame rate OLED display capable of displaying ~1000fps with a resolution of around 1200×800 or so. This obviously has some pretty severe bandwidth requirements, and will likely require the use of an FPGA to implement a custom controller as typical display controllers don't run faster than 60-120Hz. At the risk of really showing my ignorance, with a "raw" OLED display (no controller) should I be able to drive the display at these rates? I'm sure whatever display controller comes with the display will be unhelpful, so I'd be starting from example controller code for the FPGA.

Best Answer

A suggested approach to updating a 1200 x 800 pixel display at 1000 fps, would be to break up the display into a matrix of lower resolution OLED panels, ideally OLEDs with so-called "edge-to-edge active display". For instance, a 2 x 2 matrix of 640 x 480 OLED panels would provide a bit more than the specified resolution. However, these sub- panels selected must themselves allow refresh rates of 1000 frames per second, as well.

Each panel needs to be controlled through a separate signal channel. Depending on the capability versus price of the FPGA chosen, a single FPGA may be used to drive one or more of the panels.

This is similar to the way ultra-large displays are created for stage performance backdrops, for instance, using a matrix of standard large screen HD LCD or LED televisions. Each TV is typically driven off a separate video source. Allowance is made for bezel distances, cropping off an appropriate amount of the image at each edge of each TV.

As the application itself is not described in the question, an assumption is that a somewhat contiguous display is required. Unfortunately, using separate panels will not provide contiguous display area, as the connections to each OLED panel in the matrix have to come out somewhere. Thus, bezel-like gaps will need to exist between panels, similar to the matrix-of-TVs approach mentioned.

If this is unacceptable, the alternative is to select an OLED panel of the desired resolution, that brings out individual signal rows and columns to a connector and allows these to be driven in definable banks. Typical OLED panels with Chip-on-Glass (COG) controllers will not work this way, raw OLED panels will need to be sourced.

Individual banks of OLED rows / columns would then be controlled via separate channels and conceivably separate controllers, to achieve the desired end-result display.