Electronic – Inherent DC Bias in ADC sampling


I was just simulating the quantization behavior of ADCs of different bits, on data sampled by a 24-bit ADC. What I noticed that as we go towards ADCs with less bits a DC bias in the signal becomes more and more evident, with maximum value at 1 bit-ADC. The reason for this is, acc. to what I think, is that there are different number of digital codes representing positive and negative analog voltage values, for example in case of 8-bit ADC, we have 1-127(127 digital codes) for positive, 0 for 0 voltage, and -1 to -128(128 digital codes) for negative values, so negative voltages have one more digital code for them. and this effect becomes very clear with 1 bit ADC, where we have only digital codes of 0 and -1, so the sampled signal will always have negative bias,
Please see the video below where I do the simulation and you can clearly see the signal moving downwards as I decrease the number of bits, The ADC voltage range is +50 to -50 units. So at 1-bit, I only have 0 and -50 samples and a clear negative DC offset.


So my question, how much of an issue is this ? I can simply remove the DC offset by using a high pass filter in Digital domain, are there any other concerns and ways in which my signal is affected ? Is this a very common issue and what else can I do to remove this DC offset ? Are there ADCs which have equal number of digital codes for positive and negative voltages ? What are they called ?

Best Answer

They don't have an inherent offset...they simply have a range which is asymmetrical around zero. Zero doesn't mean zero volts; what physical quantity each value refers to is a result of the hardware design. The observation here isn't that ADCs have inherent offsets, or in fact anything about ADCs; the observation is that, if you choose two's complement representation, you have an even number of possible values for any number of bits; if one of those values is zero, you have an odd number of possible values remaining, and can't distribute them equally among positive and negative.

Sign-magnitude representation solves this, but introduces other special handling, and all you've really accomplished is you lost one potential output value.