Electronic – Input impedance of this circuit


Please see images of question and solution. Please see my working out using the small-signal model

I'm really confused about how they went about solving the input impedance of this circuit? Did they use DC biasing or the small-signal model to work out the input impedance?

Small-Signal working out

Best Answer

Small signal is all about change. Input impedance merely means the ratio of the change in input voltage at the point by some source and the change in current obtained by it. You could wiggle a current through the node too and measure the change in voltage at the node.

If you pass a small current di into the node (causing the total current to become I+di), since di = gm.dvgs (gm is transconductance), the change in voltage developed is 1/gm times di. Thus, the answer would be dv/di = 1/gm. The resistor appears as a resistor to ground (a small current change would occur through the resistor since other voltages are fixed giving the impression of resistance to the current source that caused the di) and thus zin = 1/gm || r.