Electronic – Invert Voltage 0-2V

voltage dividervoltage measurementvoltage-regulator

I need to invert voltage from the one sensor.
So the ting is that I have DC signal from sensor:
0%-100% range of 0V-2V
I need:
0%-100% range of 2V-0V

I have LM324 level indicator and it is showing opposite value, I can not connect opposite inputs on LM because circuit board is done.

Any idea how to do it as simple as possible?

It is a simple one measuring device, 10 input channels – OP amps, working on a 12V. OP amp is comparing common input signal (0V-2V) and each OP has its own referral voltage. Only case is that it is working opposite showing full tank when is is empty and vice versa. So I need to figure out how to invert voltage from the sensor as i mention above… supply is same for sensor and device 12VDC, and it is common (-), otherwise it would be possible with few resistors

Best Answer

This circuit inverts the 0V-2V voltage source to 2V-0V.
