Electronic – isolated 5v PWM to 0-10V


I'm trying to convert a 5V PWM signal to 0-10V through an optocoupler to drive a VFD.
The output "0-10V" should be 0V when PWM duty cycle is 0%, and 10V when 100% (linearly !).
Here is what I've come up with:

5V PWM to 0-10V

So, when OUT1 is high (5V):

  • 10mA should pass through U9 and saturate the photo-transistor
  • Q1 and Q2 bases are now 12V, so Q1 is opened, and Q2 closed
  • C2 charges through Q1 and RV1, voltage rises

When OUT1 is low (0V):

  • U9 transistor is closed
  • R17 pull Q1 and Q2 base to 0V, so Q1 is closed and Q2 opened
  • C2 discharge through RV1 and Q2, voltage fall

RV1 can be tuned to increase or decrease smoothing (depending on PWM frequency).

Will it works ? I would like to know if I'm heading in the right direction before ordering the parts !

Best Answer

No this circuit wont work. I tried it out and I did not work because of many reasons.

  1. when opto is switched on 12 volts is being provided to the base of Q1 and Q2. therefore, Q1 switches on and provides 12 volts to RC Low Pass filter. But , when opto is switched Off , base of Q1 & Q2 is grounded by 20k resistor which dramatically increases the switch on time of Q2, because of which we get a triangular waveform at the RC network and not a 12volt square wave.

  2. to solve this issue, I reduced r17 to 1k to reduce switching on time of Q2. this created more problems . Now when Opto is switched on , 12 volts gets divided between r16 and r17 and base of transistor now gets 6v at 100% duty cycle. and because Vbe = 0.7v , we are getting 5.3v at the emitter of Q1.

  3. to solve all these issues , use two opto couplers instead of Q1 and Q2 and no need of u9 , r16 and r17. Works flawlessly.

Isolated Push Pull Amplifier