Electronic – KiCad: Can I insert a net name into a footprint


I'm new to KiCad, and using version 5.1.5.

I want to make a simple single-pad footprint, with a text label that is the net name to which the corresponding schematic pin is attached. Is there a way to do this?

Similar to how %R and %V can be used to sub in component reference/value, it seems like there should be a variable for a given pin/pad's net name… but I can't find this documented anywhere.

EDIT: What also might be useful is getting the name of a component's pin. Is there a way to get this info in the footprint editor?

Best Answer

A component pad will get the net name from the wire connected to it in the schematic (or a default net name, if the wire is not explicitly named.) The net name would not be part of the PCB footprint.