Electronic – LDO regulator (LD39300) output capacitor ESR not so small


I want to use the LDO regulator LD39300 of ST. To buffer VOUT, I thought about buffering the output in addition with an aluminum capacitor of 6800 µF in parallel to the recommended 4.7 µF.

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But in the datasheet at page 10 (figure 14 and figure 15) it is described, that the ESR of the output capaitor must be bigger than ~0.3 ohm. Here is my problem, because an aluminum capacitor of 6800 µF often has only an ESR of a few milli ohm. In parallel to a ceramic capacitor the resulting ESR will be smaller than 0.3 ohm.

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Is it right, that this LDO regulator will not work if I put such a buffering capacitor in parallel with the output capacitor?

Best Answer

You are correct in assuming that going outside the stability regions is a 'bad idea'.

It's difficult to predict exactly what will happen if you operate outside the stability region of a fixed-feedback regulator like the one you're describing. The regulator may start oscillating immediately, or appear fine but start oscillating if there's a sudden input or output change.

Blindly adding capacitance here will likely make things worse. Don't add the monster cap, or if you need super smooth output, change to a different LDO.