Electronic – Limiting the input current with voltage divider

adcvoltage divider

I would like to measure two signals with a microcontroller ADC:

  • 0 to 5V, 5MHz
  • -36 to +36V 100Hz


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab

I want to draw as small current as possible from the input signal. I chosed the OPA365 amplifier to shift the signal and provide the current for the ADC.

  • My first question is how I should choose the resistors?
  • How can I change the value of the R15?

I don't have a DAC on the MCU, but I have GPIO, I thought I can connect TS12A4517 to switch between different resistor values. Is it a good idea?


simulate this circuit

Best Answer

Given the spread of voltages and frequencies that you need to measure I would firstly concentrate on the 100Hz signal - say you attenuate it by 30 - this would take it from 72Vp-p to 2.4Vp-p and to keep the impedances low I would use a capacitive divider formed by a 10pF capacitor and a 290pf capacitor.

Given also that you maybe be interested in the dc levels (you will be for the 5MHz signal) I would add resistors across the 10pF and 290pF that have the same ratio of impedance say 1Mohm across the 10pF and 34.5kohm across the 290pF.

Next is the problem of the 5MHz signal and you need to attenuate this by (say) 2:1 - this means the 34k5 and 290pF need to be replaced with (say) another set of 10pF // 1Mohm. I would then consider that these extra components were permanently in-circuit and that the 290pF and 34k5 were in fact 280pF // 35k7 so that when in parallel with 10pF // 1Mohm gave 290pF // 34k5.

I would consider use a low capacitance JFET for the switching: -

enter image description here

Also shown is the OPA354 which is a low input capacitance, unity-gain-to-40MHz op-amp with decent offset voltage, bias currents and noise. It is typically run from a split supply of +/-2.5V centred on 0V. The supply is split like this to accommodate the 100Hz AC signal but it gives a tiny problem for the 5MHz signal because, with the attenuation of 2:1 at 5MHz the input would equal the power rail - this means the attenuation should be designed to be a tad lower at maybe 2.5:1. These values can be easily calculated from the ones shown i.e. the lower 1Mohm becomes 667k and the lower 10pF becomes 15pF. These changes will have a small knock-on effect on the 35k7 and 280pF.

I would also consider the 15pF cap becoming a trimmer to get the peaking just right - setup would be just like on an oscilloscope probe when trimming. JFET - 2N3819 should work ok - it has a drain capacitance of about 1pF.

Why take this approach? To work effectively across the voltage and frequency range needed if only resistors were used, it is likely that input capacitance on op-amps and switching circuits (like JFETs or analogue switches) would make a bit of a mess of things. With "same ratio" capacitors these effects are reduced. More to follow as I think a little more about this.