Electronic – Logic gates that does not need to to tie to 1 k resistor and ground open inputs to drive it low


Hi I am trying to build a circuit with 2 common cathode 7 segment display that will count from 0-14 (even numbers only) and we are not allowed to use a decoder ic. only logic gates. My problem is that 7400 series ic requires ALL open inputs to be tied to a 1 k resistor then grounded to drive it at logic low, other wise the outputs are always on.(plus it will get really messy ) Are there any IC that has inputs that behaves at logic low when they are open? Preferrably NAND,AND, OR gates? thanks! I am using a 9 v battery and dip switchenter image description here

Best Answer

This because of internal circuit structure , something like this picture.(this is not Gate)

enter image description here

Logic IC have 2 type :



You're choose is 74XX.Most of them is TTL.

In some CMOS IC this Undefined input is fixed the only input declare "1" that is connected to 5v or IC Voltage . Choose similar CMOS.

but you're "0" logic doesn't need 1k resistor it can be direct connected to ground.