Electronic – LTspice, how to model a TLine


I am trying to do a simulation for a transmission line, I can draw below example circuit but got below two questions.

  1. How to do this step: .model TLine LTRA(...)

It looks to define the component property and should I do it in "component attribute editor" but it doesn't work.

  1. The 50 ohms impedance is based on the calculation SQRT(L/C), there is no column to specify this value, right?

enter image description here

enter image description here

Best Answer

I'm not sure you can call a model TLINE but maybe you can. You should not enter units. Let's call the model 'myTline': .model myTline LTRA(R=10m L=9n C=3.59p len=1) R/L/C are parameters for a piece of wire of '1' length (if R/L/C values describe Ohms/Henries/Farads per meter then len of 1 is 1 meter). So if you want double the length you set it to 2 etc.

Then you just fill the 'Value' in LTRA component properties to be 'myTline', don't fill the other fields.