Electronic – LTSpice Third Part MOSFET Model Won’t Work


I am attempting to incorporate this mosfet model into ltspice:
Part Page

However nothing I do seems to work. I've placed the library both next to the main .asc, and in the ltspice /lib/sub directory. I have not done the main import as I should be able to just include this library somehow and use the default general nmos symbol with it.

No matter what I do I get the same error:

m1: Can't find definition of model "psmn2r0_30pl"

with the model name PSMN2R0_30PL entered into the Value field of the NMOS symbol.

I've tried following this: http://www.linear.com/solutions/5360
and got the following error using:

.lib PSMN2R0_30PL.lib

Error on line 30 : .model m1:mint nmos(vto=2.02612295371271 kp=9.2938e+02 nfs=230000000000 eta=0  level=3 l=1e-4 w=1e-4 gamma=0 phi=0.6 lambda=0 is=1e-24  js=0 pb=0.8 pbsw=0.8 cj=0 cjsw=0 cgso=0 cgdo=0 cgbo=0  tox=1e-07 xj=0 ucrit=1e4 diomod=1 vfb=0 leta=0 weta=0  u0=600 temp=0 vdd=0 xpart=0 vmax=100)
    * Unrecognized parameter "lambda" -- ignored
    * Unrecognized parameter "pbsw" -- ignored
    * Unrecognized parameter "ucrit" -- ignored
    * Unrecognized parameter "diomod" -- ignored
    * Unrecognized parameter "vfb" -- ignored
    * Unrecognized parameter "leta" -- ignored
    * Unrecognized parameter "weta" -- ignored
    * Unrecognized parameter "temp" -- ignored
    * Unrecognized parameter "vdd" -- ignored
    * Unrecognized parameter "xpart" -- ignored
Direct Newton iteration failed to find .op point.  (Use ".option noopiter" to skip.)

I'm somewhat clueless as to what's going wrong here. Does anyone know how I can properly import this without having to import and redo the whole symbol?


Best Answer

This is defined as a subcircuit:


LTSpice needs this to have somewhat special treatment, so you will need to do the following:

CTRL+Right click on the device and you will get this window:

Component attribute dialog

Now edit the Prefix and Value lines: The prefix for a subckt is 'X'. The model name is precisely as defined in the lib file.

Component attribute for subckt

Now click OK. You will need to add a spice directive on your schematic:

.include PSMN2R0_30PL.lib This assumes it is in the same directory as the simulation circuit.

LTSpice should now be happy with the part.

Here is what you should see on the schematic:

Updated symbol

You can, of course, add it to the LTSpice model tree, but I find it easier to use this method.