Electronic – meaning of stripes on RS485, Phone and Ethernet cable


I recently bought some RS485 cable, it had two pairs, both had stripes. One was mostly blue with a white stripe and the other was white with a blue stripe.

enter image description here

I'm mostly used to ethernet with a pair consisting of completely solid and white with a stripe.

Large phone cables have solid with white stripes, and solid.

So is there a meaning to any of these? Is the striping set by manufacturers or have any meaning beyond indicating a pair?

Best Answer

User @Justme was correct about it being a twisted pair but the stripped line indicates positive and solid colored line indicates negative.

So for an example, let's say you have two twisted pairs: One for RX and TX. Much like RJ45, etc., RS485 will also have RX and TX signals.

enter image description here Picture can be found here... Not my picture. The positive and negative wires are for differential signaling.

You can find more details on that with this Network Engineering StackExchange answer (What do the positive and negative (+/-) transmit and receive pins mean on Ethernet cables?).