Electronic – MSP430 seems to reset intermittently


I'm using the MSP430F5515 variant. I can't figure out any structured reason for it, but the chip clearly resets itself occasionally – i'm logging data and i put a 'known' string that only prints at startup in the code. I'm thinking it has something to do with my manipulation of the Unified Clock System registers, or maybe something to do with the High/Low side Voltage Supervisor functions (which I'm not changing from their system defaults). I'm pretty sure I don't have any kind of stack-overflow (no pun intended) going on, but one can never really rule that out.

Getting to my question here… are there any register settings one needs to assign explicitly in your MSP430 startup code so that the system does not reset? Is there any diagnostics that I can use to determine for what reason (at least "the last") reset occured. I'm thinking using the MSP430FET-UIF programmer/debugger to halt the processor and look at some register values, though my gut says I can't attach to a running processor without resetting it and loading a new program… Any thoughts / advice would be appreciated…


Best Answer

To see why you are being RESET you need to check the system rest vector (SYSRSTIV) at address 019Eh and you will be able to see the cause of your reset. There are many things on a MSP430 that will cause a reset