Electronic – Negative feedback output question


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What is the value of Vout if we know the value of Vin in this case?

It is a buffer amplifier, but it has two extra resistors so I think that the gain is smaller than 1, but how small?

(Vin-V3)/R1=0 <=> Vin-V3=0 => Vin=V2=V3

(Vout-V2)/R2=0 <=> Vout-V2=0 => Vout=Vin=V2=V3

Best Answer

For an ideal op-amp, the following analysis holds. For a practical answer you will need to simulate your circuit using something like LTSpice.

(Input - V3) / R1 = 0, (op-amps have infinite input impedance)

(Output - V2) / R2 = 0, (op-amps have infinite input impedance)

V2 = V3 (op-amps work to mantain Zero potential difference between their inputs when configured for negative feedback is in this circuit)

I have explained the important aspects of an op-amp for solving this problem. I leave the substitution and result for you to find.