Electronic – NPN transistor to short RF remote switch button



simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab

I am trying to replace RF remote switches with transistors and want to control them using raspberry pi GPIO pins.

  1. Here as you can see, the grounds are different, so the circuit is not working. If I try to connect the raspberry pi ground to emitter of transistor it works fine. But my problem is, if i connect emitters of 2 transistor 2 same raspberry pi ground, it would short those 2 pins. I am not sure about the circuit on the remote, so can't short those 2 pins. Can I use another transistor to connect the ground to the emitter, for which base is connected to the same raspberry pi GPIO pin? What is the best way to do this? I know optoisolators are better way, but i don't have them presently. Please suggest if i can achieve using trasnsistors.

Best Answer

Use an analogue switch like this: -

enter image description here

It uses a logic supply rail as low as 1.6 volts but can switch signals that may be connected to supplies that are -5.5V to +5.5V. On-resistance is less than 1 ohm too.