Electronic – Numeric literal constant in VHDL treatment


I was wondering if there's a special way to treat numeric literal constant in way similar to C language… i.e. in C we can do something like:

1LL //signed long long
1ULL //unsigned long long


is there something similar in VHDL that I'm not aware of?

Best Answer

In VHDL, the constant declaration requires that the type is specified. The length is usually baked in to the type. For example

constant my_constant : unsigned(63 downto 0):= X"0000000000000001";

Whenever a signal is driven by a numeric constant, it's necessary to match the constant length with the signal length.

For example:

signal my_signal : unsigned(63 downto 0);
my_signal <= X"0000000000000001";

Since VHDL is strongly typed, if the literal length does not match the signal declaration, it will produce an error.

As jeff mentioned, it's also possible to use to_unsigned, as follows:

my_signal <= x + y + to_unsigned(1,my_signal'length);