Electronic – Oscillator circuit with a Negistor

circuit analysisnegative-resistanceoscillator

I am trying to do some experiments with the following oscillator circuit extracted from http://jlnlabs.online.fr/cnr/negosc.htm based on Esaki oscillator.
enter image description here

I am using 2N2222 and a 10mH inductor instead due to the availability of components, but not oscillation can be observed across the inductor. If someone can give me a head start to understand the circuit operation, it would be greatly appreciated.

In addition,can someone suggest an approach to simulate this behavior? I tried with LTspice, but their models does support to simulate breakdown

Best Answer

The circuit relies on the B-E-diode breakdown. The breakdown voltage is probably a very sloppy controlled parameter for a BJT, i.e. as long as it is above a specified minimum value it may vary very much among different samples and maybe it's too high in your case.

Maybe it helps to try different transitor samples or types or to use a higher operating voltage.

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