Electronic – Pancake Coil Magnetic Field Strength

accoilemffield-strengthmagnetic flux

I am trying to measure the magnetic field strength of a pancake (flat) coil. I know the turns, inner radius, current, and frequency from an AC input and am trying to measure the magnetic flux so I can use faraday's law to measure EMF output in a different coil. What equation/formula would I use to measure flux/field strength.


Best Answer

You definitely can do it! If you have an oscilloscope you can make quite accurate magnetic field strength measurements. Here is one paper, in which the procedure is explained and the properties of the probe antenna are also explained (page 4 to see the equation).

You just have to be careful which kind of probe you are using, so the cable doesn't capture power, only the loop. If you have a low frequency you can use twisted pair cable with a loop in the other end:

Twisted pair cable probe

Do be careful to make the probe small enough, if it is too close to the antenna conductors the results will not be accurate.