Electronic – Path analysis D-FLIP-FLOP – what is SET


I have to calculate the clock paths in a circuit and I have a 2 dual positive-edge-triggered D-TYPE FLIP-FLOP with clear and reset called DFF1 and DFF2.

Data sheet: http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/sn74lvc74a-q1.pdf

what does it mean: the CLR and SET pins of the two flip-flops are set such that {DFF1,DFF2} are reset to {1,0}?


Best Answer

I don't see the sentence you provide in the datasheet. Instead the datasheet says:

A low level at the preset (PRE) or clear (CLR) inputs sets or resets the outputs, regardless of the levels of the other inputs.

A PRE input sets the Q to 1, a CLR input sets the Q to 0. There are two flip-flops in this chip, so PRE1 and CLR1 are for the first flip-flop while PRE2 and CLR2 are for the second flip-flop.