PCB Trace Length vs Impedance – Understanding the Relationship


There are a lot of PCB trance impedance calculation tool available on internet, for example :

Trace impedance can be calculated by entering parameters "Trace Thickness", "Substrate Height", "Trace Width",and "Substrate Dielectric", but not the length of the trace.

My questions :

  1. Does the above calculation calculate "characteristic impedance", not the real trace resistance ?
  2. Do I need to concern trace resistance during PCB design ? For example, is there any performance concern to send a 100MHz clock through a trace as long as 10cm, compare to only 1cm ? If so, is there any calculation tool to for the trace resistance ?

Thanks a lot.

Best Answer

What Neil said is true, that said, you do get RF losses in PCB materials, but they stem from different mechanisms and vary in importance with the frequency of operation. For a 100MHz signal running a few centimeters, the most likely loss is actually in the dielectric material (the run-of-the mill fiberglass-epoxy material often used acts as a somewhat lossy capacitor.

Whether it's important depends on the nature of the signal and what your operating margins are. If it's a 100MHz sine wave you only have to deal with effects at 100MHz, but if you are working with a digital signal with fast rise and fall times (say to prevent metastable states, etc.) then you have to look to see how the board materials behave at much higher frequencies.

From your example the following is likely not applicable but just in case; with trace resistance effects at high frequencies you're looking at skin effect as well as surface roughness, but those really only start coming into play at GHz frequencies and then only with certain designs such as millimeter wave LNAs. Surface roughness depends on the substrate and at those frequencies you are starting to get into pretty exotic stuff, like alumina, quartz to lower the dielectric losses and reduce trace lengths, right down to having entire RF systems on a silicon substrate.