Electronic – PIC18f4520 programming error


I am trying to run a program on PIC18F4520 using PicKit3 & MPLAB IDE. But I am getting an error:
PK3Err0040: The target device is not ready for debugging.
Please check your configuration bit settings and program
the device before proceeding.

Whereas when I try to run one of the old program, its running. My new program code which is not running is:

#pragma config OSC = HS,FCMEN = OFF,IESO = OFF              // CONFIG1H
#pragma config PWRT = OFF, BOREN = SBORDIS, BORV = 0                       // CONFIG2L
#pragma config WDT= OFF, WDTPS = 32768                                    // CONFIG2H
#pragma config MCLRE = OFF, LPT1OSC = OFF, PBADEN = ON, CCP2MX = PORTC       //CONFIG3H
#pragma config STVREN = ON, LVP = OFF, XINST = OFF                // CONFIG4L
#pragma config CP0 = OFF, CP1 = OFF, CP2 = OFF, CP3 = OFF                   // CONFIG5L
#pragma config CPB = OFF, CPD = OFF                                         // CONFIG5H
#pragma config WRT0 = OFF, WRT1 = OFF, WRT2 = OFF, WRT3 = OFF                // CONFIG6L
#pragma config WRTB = OFF, WRTC = OFF, WRTD = OFF                            // CONFIG6H
#pragma config EBTR0 = OFF, EBTR1 = OFF, EBTR2 = OFF, EBTR3 = OFF           // CONFIG7L
#pragma config EBTRB = ON                                                  // CONFIG7H

#include "p18f4520.h"
#include "delays.h"

void main(void) 

     LATDbits.LATD3=1 ;
     LATDbits.LATD2=1 ;
     LATDbits.LATD1=1 ;


Please let me know where the issue is? is it something to do with bootloader?

Best Answer

Try adding

#pragma config DEBUG = ON