Electronic – PICKIT 2 verification failed at memory address 0x0000


I have been using a DSPIC30f4011 for two days but suddenly I am no longer able to program the chip again.

The message I am getting:

Failed to verify at programming address 0x0000 (when I click the Verify button).

Failed to program at programming address 0x0000 (when I click the Write button).

Successful (when I click Read button).

Successful (when I click erase button).

I clicked on the erase button and tried to get rid of the error. But when I clicked read after erasing it, the first byte is still 0000 0000. Everything else is FFFF.

I am pretty sure the wiring and power supply is correct because when I put a new chip into the spot where the old chip was at, PICKIT 2 is able to program/verify it.

The pickit shows All protect for both old chip and new chip so it's not a problem.

Best Answer

AVDD and AVSS must be connected.