Electronic – Resistor for high power but low energy (pulsed operation)


I need to make a pi attenuator which must support voltages of about 100 V and 20A but only on a pulse of 250ns.

But I do not know what resistor to use because it creates a power of about 2kW but only 500uJ.

All the power resistors that I see are sized according to the power and not the energy so I do not know how to choose.

Best Answer

@AndyAka got to me first on this part: this is a common issue, and many power resistors are specified for this.

What you need to do is get on the net and start slogging through resistor data sheets. Start with power resistors, and possibly with ones that are rated for pulsed power. You're looking for a chart in the data sheet that relates either average power to pulse time, or that gives you the energy of the allowable pulse vs. time.

Not every manufacturer will help you out with this, and it's not something that is put front and center in marketing material. So you gotta dig. And absolutely positively don't assume that once you choose a resistor you can just let your purchasing department buy any old resistor with the same size and power rating -- you'll need to specify that resistor.