Electronic – Reverse engeneering a home automation RF 315Mhz transimtter


I have this remote control and transmitter and I want to reverse engineer the 2 RF signals sent by the transmitter.
This is the board.
The board says "ak-rk01se".
I can also open up the transmitter and see it has a PT2264 chip.

To my disposal is also a DVB-T hacked ham radio device. so I can see all the data coming out from 315MHz.
Here is an example recording from the big button with AM demodulation

Does anyone know how to tackle this?

Update, this is how it looks when I import it and run a normalize signal in audacity. The same square wave is repeated over and over again.
Aucacity shows a sane signal

The question remains: How do I use an RF signal transmitter to imitate this signal? I have a raspberry pi and I can get an RF transmitter.

Best Answer

How about doing the simple thing: Just hook up a PT2264 to the Raspberry PI! No sense reinventing the wheel.

It looks like a relatively inexpensive chip, and does all of the proper modulation that you want. All you need to do is figure out exactly what the carrier frequency is and hook things up appropriately.